are business
Company Formation
Establishment – we can establish various companies in Lithuania (Joint Stock Company, nonprofit company, etc) within 1-3 working days. For your convenience we can sell already established companies with clear history.
Reorganization – we will consult and guide you through entire process of company reorganization (acquisition, merges, and splits).
Liquidation – we will give you all legal advice and support on liquidation process.
Business administration
Health & safety supervision – proper health & safety supervision is essential. Our team has lots of experience in this field. We will take care of all safety books, health check ups, instructions, etc.
Financial accounting – if you want to know results of your business, ensure control over the assets, provide proper management of cash, then we can produce information which could be used by the management of a business entity for decision making, planning and performance evaluation. Also we do all general accounting.
Management accounting – partnering in management decision making, devising planning and performance management systems.
Registrations – company registration in various public institutions or authorities no longer will be your worries.
Hr management
Recruitment – Attracting, screening, selecting, and onboarding a qualified person for a job. Our adaptive offering is designed to meet the changing needs of our clients, which allows us to operate as a service provider or project-based consulting partner or as a full-service talent attraction outsourcing provider.
Payroll – activities, such as applying employment laws, monitoring local requirements, preparing contracts and maintaining employee records. More comprehensive payroll and Human Resource (HR) operations can also be requested.
A1 forms – A1 form is a statement of applicable legislation. This form is useful to prove that your employees pay social contributions in another EU country – if you are a posted worker or work in several countries at the same time. Our company is ready to help you in: consulting about the advantages of A1 forms, filling all necessary documents, organizing 10 per cent turnover in Lithuanian market, maintaining the turnover in Lithuanian market.
Training and testing – we have deep knowledge and experience in adult training and testing field. If you need to test your future employees or to train them we can arrange this through our wide network of partners in Lithuania.
Tax Advisory - is naturally related to accounting services. The taxation of international businesses is forever changing and tax rules are complicated even for a company operating in a single country. Together with tax calculations, declarations and compliance, advising the customer in the optimization of their tax burden is in their best interest.
Labor law advise - Legal advice on conclusion, performance, amendments, termination of employment contracts, work and rest periods, remuneration, disciplinary and material liability, and on other issues.
Accreditation - we can help you with accreditations in Lithuania for the following: VCA, NEN4400 and ISO 9001 for companies, VCA for employees.
Mindaugas Suchotskis,
b2blithuania team leader
10 years of experience in project management and fund rising. Assessment and consultations regarding international projects. Most of this experience was collected working in international teams, implementing innovations in organizations management. Experience as top HR manager in international environment.
Žydrūnas Bielskis,
accountancy and finance advisor at b2blithuania
More then 14 years of experience in accountancy and financial management. Experience in auditing and tax advisory. Most of services provided for manufactory industries, sales companies, various service providers and NGOs.
Vilma Urbonaitė,
training and testing manager at b2blithuania
7 years of experience as in adult training and testing field. Proven experience of educational management.
Pranas Arlauskas,
health and safety advisor at b2blithuania
10 years of experience as top manager in health and safety field. Implementation and supervision of safety directives in various industries.